Readthisorelse's Blog

Couple Sues AARP Over Health Plan Marketing

Posted in obama by readthisor on November 10, 2009

A Texas couple has filed a federal class action against AARP in the District of Columbia, alleging the group used misleading marketing to sell its health insurance policies.

The suit, filed yesterday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, claims that James and Allison Halpern purchased an AARP Medical Advantage Plan in March 2008, after receiving an advertising packet touting it as a “primary insurance plan.” The couple dropped their old health insurance policy. But after Allison Halpern was diagnosed with breast cancer, they learned their new plan only provided limited coverage, and would not pay for the cost of a crucial surgery.

According to the complaint, AARP’s advertising materials did not indicate that the health plan only provided limited coverage. AARP suspended sales of the policies earlier this year when Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) opened a congressional investigation into their marketing.

“AARP has preyed upon Plaintiffs and thousands of Americans over age 50 by luring unsuspecting consumers in need of affordable health care to enroll in AARP’s health insurance program,” the complaint states.

The suit accuses the company of violating the D.C. Consumer Protections Procedure Act. It argues the D.C. court has jurisdiction because AARP is located in the District.

An AARP spokesman declined to comment.

A lawyer for the Halperin’s, Jerome Noll, of counsel with White Plains, New York-based Meiselman, Denlea, Packman, Carton & Eberz, said he knew of one other class action filed against AARP. That suit, also filed in D.C., targets United Healthcare as well, which partnered with AARP to sell the policies. A legal team from Venable including partner William Coston represents AARP in that case.

“We believe there’s a stronger case against AARP,” Noll said. “We allege that AARP’s marketing was deceptive and therefore in violation of the D.C. consumer protection act. [The Halperns] did not receive marketing materials from United Healthcare.”

Posted by Jordan Weissmann on November 10, 2009 at 04:53 PM in D.C. Courts and Government |
(culled from

FBI: 10% of U.S. Mosques Preach Jihad

Posted in obama by readthisor on November 10, 2009

By: Ronald Kessler of newsmax
Imams preach jihad and extremism in 10 percent of the 2,000 mosques in the United States, the FBI estimates.

That sums up the problem facing us as we ponder the meaning of Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan’s slayings of 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas. Given his association with a pro-al-Qaida imam in northern Virginia and his preoccupation with radical Islamic Web sites, it’s clear that the radical element of Islam influenced Hasan.
(culled from

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Looking for some tail? Help yourself help your parents

Posted in obama by readthisor on November 10, 2009

You may not care now, as a young person, most are selfish and just thinking about their next piece but consider this:
Someday you’ll be old too. This Health plan will rob Seniors of 30% of their current care. We are not allowed to work and nobody will hire us anyway. Employers try to dump people who reach 50 years old. So, we have no way of making additional income to replace what obama stole. I can tell you 50% of my income goes to my health care right now and for my mother it is closer to 90%.
In a since, you foolish kids are killing your parents with this plan. When an older person needs a doctor, they can’t wait 4 months to see one, yet think about it. obama wants to put 10 million NEW people on a health plan (that means doctors will be booked maybe 9 months in advance or more) and he’s going to tax YOU very heavily for that too. Yet when you reach my age, you will be in my shoes and paying higher taxes along the way.

If your going to do this then pass a law to put us old people out of our misery if we choose to. I’ll be damned if you get to decide when I die.

I’m going to get the last laugh after I move on to the next life and see the idiots suffering from their own vote to push this country down into a 3rd world country.

You children will never know the freedoms I enjoyed in my youth, you’re not even aware what you ignorantly gave up.

Your pot/dope smoking parents let some eastern guru in the 1960’s brain wash them and you’re now the product of that. That guru only knows the way he was raised. Raised in a 3rd world country.

Meanwhile, during that same time frame America’s western culture was for over 200 years the most powerful, most giving nation on the planet.

And now, because those pot smokers controlled you at home and at school, you want to be a 3rd world country. That’s the same way obama was raised.

Write your senators, stop this health care bill.

